

发布日期:2023-06-07    作者:         点击:



张巧霞,女,山东烟台龙口人,学博士。2009-2016年本科、硕士就读于山东科技大学,硕士期间在中国科学院海洋环境腐蚀与生物污损重点实验室联合培养(导师:葛圣松、王秀通研究员)。2018-2021博士就读于山东科技大学(导师:刘青云教授、刘庆教授)。研究方向光电纳米材料功能性应用,包括光电生物传感器、光生阴极腐蚀防护、光电催化降解有机污染物等202112月来枣庄学院工作,主讲《分离工程》、《化工工艺学》等课程参与国家项目1(21971152),主持枣庄学院博士科研启动基金1项(1020747)。累计在Biosensors & BioelectronicsElectrochimica ActaAnalystSurface & Coatings Technology等学术期刊上发表论文12


[1]     Zhang Qiaoxia, Chen Chenglong, Qu Guangcai, Liu Qingyun, Zhang Han, Zhao Xiaomei, Shi Tiesheng. Different methanol oxidation behaviors on defectively nanoporous hematite photoanode modified with platinum via photoreduction versus electrodeposition [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 976: 173244.

[2] Zhang Qiaoxia, Liu Qingyun, Liu Yang, Wang Houchen, Chen Jialiang, Shi Tiesheng. PEC thrombin aptasensor based on Ag-Ag2S decorated hematite photoanode with signal-down effect of precipitation catalyzed by G-quadruplexes/hemin [J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2023, 232:115321.

[3] Zhang Qiaoxia, Fan Gaochao, Chen Wei, Liu Qing, Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xianxi, Liu Qingyun. Electrochemical sandwich-type thrombin aptasensor based on dual signal amplification strategy of silver nanowires and hollow Au-CeO2 [J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2020, 150: 111846.

[4] Zhang Qiaoxia, Lyu Haoyuan, Li Ning, Liu Qing, Zhang Xianxi, Zhang Xiao, Wang Xiutong, Liu Qingyun. Visible light driven photoelectrochemical thrombin aptasensor based on uniform TiO2 nanotube arrays modified with CuOx and perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 354: 136774.

[5] Zhang Qiaoxia, Liu Xiangwei, Wang Haoran, Liu Qing, Liu Qingyun, Zhang Xianxi. Photoelectrochemical thrombin biosensor based on perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid and Au co-functionalized ZnO nanorods with signal-off quenching effect of Ag@Ag2S [J]. Analyst, 2021, 146(3): 855-863.

[6] Zhang Qiaoxia, Li Weikang, Zhao Fengyang, Xu Chang, Fan Gaochao, Liu Qingyun, Zhang Xianxi, Zhang Xiao. Electrochemical sandwich-type thrombin aptasensor based on silver nanowires& particles decorated electrode and the signal amplifier of Pt loaded hollow zinc ferrite [J]. Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, 2021, 611: 125804.

[7] Ge Shengsong, Zhang Qiaoxia, Wang Xiutong, Li Hong, Zhang Liang, Wei Qinyi. Photocathodic protection of 304 stainless steel by MnS/TiO2 nanotube films under simulated solar light [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2015, 283: 172-176.

[8] Wang Xiutong, Wei Qinyi, Li Jiarun, Li Hong, Zhang Qiaoxia, Ge Shengsong. Preparation of NiSe2/TiO2 nanocomposite for photocathodic protection of stainless steel [J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 185: 443-446.

[9] Wang Xiutong, Wei Qinyi, Zhang Liang, Sun Haofen, Li Hong, Zhang Qiaoxia. CdTe/TiO2 nanocomposite material for photogenerated cathodic protection of 304 stainless steel [J]. Materials Science And Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 2016, 208: 22-28.


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